Restoring Biodiversity - 12/6/2022


As reported in this article, wildfire can increase human-cougar conflict.

This shows why wildfire reduction with such tools as domestic animal grazing, and logging, is good for wildlife, and people.

More insanity from the anti-fossil fuel programs is reported below.

These wood pellets burn dirtier than natural gas, crude oil, or coal. The so-called “renewable” forests take centuries to regrow. The energy produced costs many times more per BTU than fossil fuels.

Meanwhile most all these countries sit on vast untapped reserves of cleaner, cheaper and environmentally-safer hydrocarbons which they refuse to use because they are blinkered by their unscientific “Green” ideologies.

As reported in this article, Texas A&M says there is no such thing as genetically-pure North American bison, including Yellowstone Park’s.

While good to know, this discovery shouldn’t change bison restoration efforts. There’s nothing new in genetic “drift”, because after 150-years of restoration releases using long distance animal transfers, and all the genetic tinkering with game species, plants, and fisheries, there are few if any genetically-correct animal, plant and fish species found in the lower-48, as the invasive species “biology” purists define them.


Through a lifetime on the land in southern Colorado, Betty Shahan has served as a leader in integrating conservation and ranching via her work with The Chama Peak Land Alliance.

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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