Restoring Biodiversity - 1/24/2023

Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…


Elk Taken in Bighorns Tests Positive for Brucellosis - Brucellosis, a disease of concern for wildlife and livestock alike, was recently detected in the western Bighorn Mountains. These infections are spread by untreated bison and winter feeding of elk.

More here →

The Mystery and Adventure Surrounding Origin Story of Cowboy Work Song - Who wrote the most popular song of the old West?

More here →


My Wild Land – Bischoff Ranch - My Wild Land films tour Wyoming, released for streaming.

Watch here →

Beavers in Arizona Deserts - Beavers are keystone species in desert ecosystems.

Watch here →

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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And if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at the link below. 👇