Restoring Biodiversity - 12/13/2022


This article from the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a free market environmental think tank based in Bozeman, discusses market solutions to the problematic small growth timber choking our public forests. This small but abundant timber is generally thought to have little economic value.

This remains one of the most informative and entertaining of all books on cattle and grazing for habitat improvement.

Man, Cattle and Veld by Johann Zeitsman records the journey of one of South Africa’s foremost cattleman from a practitioner of the disastrous range management methods of American and African universities to a practitioner of Allan Savory’s range management principles and, eventually, a pioneer of mob grazing.


Quoting the producers of the video above, “In far northeastern New Mexico, Tuda and Jack Crews’ land and water management models innovation, conservation, increased resiliency, and community connection.”

Filmed in the deserts of New Mexico, this video is about holistic management. It sets forth concepts and practices that will work anywhere in the West.

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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