Restoring Biodiversity - 12/10/2024
Lake Powell water levels lead to 'ecological rebirth. What ancient invasive species can tell us about modern ones. The amazing Deer 255 is still migrating. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…
Lake Powell Water Levels Lead to 'Ecological Rebirth'
Quoting the article below, "The retreat of Lake Powell is providing a rare glimpse of the resilience of native ecosystems, which are thriving in the absence of the invasive species that have proliferated elsewhere along the Colorado River."
What Ancient Invasive Species Can Tell Us About Modern Ones w/Dr. Alycia
Current thinking about invasive species is that they are always bad and should be ‘resisted’. The paper below says they are also inevitable.
Using conversational language, the authors say that species invasions are commonplace throughout Earth’s history. These can come in many forms: sizes, speed and duration vary. In general, invasions spur evolution. Some have GREATLY changed the course of evolution. Fundamentally, species invasions are natural phenomena which have always profoundly influenced the history of life and evolution on Earth.
The Amazing Deer 255 is Still Migrating
Importantly, this story map illustrates how migrations of all lengths are biologically important, and how migration mapping can help managers develop conservation strategies and plan for urban and energy development.

During the Drought
In low rain areas, maintaining plant coverage through periodic planned grazing and limited mechanized soil disruption are basic principles of regenerative farming and regenerative grazing. These work wonders for cows, crops and wildlife.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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