Restoring Biodiversity - 1/17/2023
Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

The Color of Wolves Mysteriously Changes Across America. We Finally Know Why - As explained below, scientists believe that exposure to canine distemper, a disease of domestic dogs, is causing the coats of North American wolf populations to change color.

Longest-Known Deer Migration Is Near Jackson Hole - This is the story of deer 255, and her 6th consecutive world-record migration.

Man Herds 700 Sheep With Help of His Border Collies, and They Just Love Their Job - A wonderful video on Border Collies and sheep. Their masters say these are the smartest dogs alive. There are closed captions for those who don’t speak Scottish Collie.

Stewardship with Vision, Episode 8: Jim Berlier - This Western Landowners Alliance film by filmmaker Evangeline Koonce features New Mexico rancher Jim Berlier. Through prescribed grazing that provides adequate pasture recovery time, strategic stocking rates, drought planning and brush removal, the Berlier Ranch has experienced significant increases in plant and wildlife diversity, making the ranch more sustainable and profitable.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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And if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at the link below. 👇