Restoring Biodiversity 11/15/2022


This recent moose hunt was conducted from Pitchstone Waters Ranch.

As discussed above, many landowners want to remove nuisance beavers from their property. And, when they do, they often turn to trappers, some of whom now turn to Wyoming Wetlands Society for payment — and to get the beavers off their hands.


The Comanche Ranch conducted a 15-year “capture study’ with 15,000 wild deer captures. The focus was DNA, culling, and feeding.

The conclusion of the culling portion is that culling DOES NOT WORK, and in fact harms deer size. A major book is about to be published on this study. This will transform deer management practices.

Describing the Mimms Ranch in Marfa, Texas, the authors write, “The Foundation aims for practical conservation, with the belief that restored grasslands improve overall watershed health, resources for native wildlife, and continued support of ranching.”

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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