Restoring Biodiversity - 1/11/2021


Animals are much smarter than most people realize and they share enormous group knowledge. Ranchers know their old cows teach the youngsters where to find feed, water, shade and shelter from bad weather. This, and much more, is true of wildlife.

Wildlife “management” often ignores individual and group intelligence of animals, birds and fish. This is disrespectful of wild creatures and it leads to bad practices – and worse outcomes.

Ungulate migrations are assumed to stem from learning and cultural transmission of information regarding seasonal distribution of forage, but this hypothesis has not been tested empirically.


Eroded galleys can be used to restore desertifying grasslands - alongside creosote bush - without chemicals. Third in a series filmed at Circle Ranch in far-West Texas.

A short introduction to sustainable grazing.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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