Restoring Biodiversity - 11/19/2024
Hazing wolves with drones. Living with wolves is not easy. A visually stunning celebration of what makes Texas unique. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…
Yes, but that was then...
Are Drones an Answer to Wolf Attacks on Livestock?
Hazing wolves with drones.
Deep In The Heart: Official Trailer
Deep in the Heart is a visually stunning celebration of what makes Texas unique — its diverse landscapes and remarkable wildlife behavior that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Told through the eyes of wildlife species ranging from the mysterious blind catfish to the elusive mountain lion, the story follows our ever-changing relationship with the natural world and showcases our ability to destroy, conserve, and recover wildlife and the habitat we mutually depend on.
Narrated by Matthew McConaughey and featuring state-of-the-art cinematography, this family-friendly film journeys from the highest peaks in West Texas, through our aquifers, rivers, and bays, and deep into the Gulf of Mexico. Deep in the Heart aims to conserve our remaining wild places, to show the connectivity of water and wildlife, and to recognize Texas’ conservation importance on a continental scale.
Does Culling Wild Deer Populations Result in Improved Antler Genetics?
This GameKeeper Scope Film dives deep into the details of a 13 year long study by Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas A&M University – Kingsville, The Comanche Ranch, Don Draeger, and Bronson Strickland about the effects of culling on free range whitetails.
Costs of Coyote Eradication in California and Texas
Man descibes the cost of eradicating coyotes in California, versus Texas
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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