Restoring Biodiversity - 11/12/2024
Recreating the Aurochs Effect with Tauros. The astonishing return of wolves to California. What happens if forest stop absorbing carbon. And more...
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about over the past week…

Herd of Tauros to Be Released Into Highlands to Recreate Aurochs Effect
Forests and grasslands co-evolved with herds of large herbivores over millions of years. Restoring animal impact from such animals can only be good: mimicking nature with their grazing is even better.
'Landscape of Fear' Not Impacting Yellowstone's Elk
As discussed below, thinking about Yellowstone wolf reintroductions continues to evolve.
A New Wolf Pack, Irate Ranchers, and the Astonishing Comeback of California’s Most Celebrated Predator
"As discussed below, "living with wolves is not easy..."
What Happens to the World if Forests Stop Absorbing Carbon? Ask Finland
This article completely misses that as weather changes, planetary zones which support forests, grasslands and tundra shift north and south.
While we can debate the extent and speed of these shifts, there is no doubt that neither trees nor grasses grow beneath glaciers, nor do peat bogs form under icecaps.
Because of the global warming that has been underway for tens of thousands of years, plants and animals can live on far greater areas and in greater numbers than when the planet was covered 50%-or-more by ice. And where there are plants and animals functioning together as nature intended, there is ‘carbon sequestration - i.e. carbon removal from the atmosphere and storage in soils.
Sacred Cow Film - Official Version
“The world is overwhelmed when choosing what to eat. Sacred Cow probes the fundamental moral, environmental and nutritional quandaries we face in raising and eating animals. Focusing on the largest and perhaps most maligned of farmed animals, the cow.”

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West
WINTERSTONE is currently in production on Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West, a new documentary featuring the plight of wild horses in the American West. Directed by Winterstone’s Ashley Avis, the film comes on the heels of Disney’s Black Beauty, which Avis also wrote, directed, and edited.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
If you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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