Restoring Biodiversity - 10/4/2022


No algorithms or fighting to be seen in a news feed, just your writing in front of your subscribers, without the guesswork.

The Brazos is the longest river in Texas. Beavers were always found downstream. As discussed below, they are now colonizing the upper Brazos where dams have created large bodies of permanent water.

Contrary to the implications of the article below, the primary cause of 2022’s falling Yellowstone attendance is not road closures. Although some roads were closed in 2022, many miles that had been closed for 3-years of reconstruction reopened. Total drivable miles inside the park were much the same over this period.

The primary cause of falling attendance is gasoline prices. The parks are a ‘budget’ vacation. When a tank of gasoline costs $100.00 or more, the working man can’t afford to go.


Al and Barb Johnson have witnessed the changing landscape of the West firsthand on their ranch, and in the surrounding area.

Their land isn’t just home to a leased cattle operation, but also is used as winter range and during migration by hundreds of deer, elk, and moose. With that in mind — and faced with encroaching subdivisions — the Johnsons decided to take legal measures to keep their property a working ranch and wildlife habitat for future generations.

After a fire threatened their home and livelihood they doubled their efforts to help wildlife by modifying a major segment of their fences to reduce risk of animal entanglement or death. In this episode of My Wild Land, we feature a new era of ranching, one that works 24-hours a day to protect a way of life and wildlife in peril.

he moose is the largest member of the deer family and one of the largest mammals in North America! With its distinctive antlers and unusual face, moose are easy to recognize! They live in northern temperate and subarctic climates, where snow covers the ground in winter. Moose are amazing!

And that’s it - as always thank you..

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