Restoring Biodiversity - 10/26/2021


This article discusses one of several reasons that sea otters are essential to the health of the Pacific Coast’s marine systems.

The seagrasses otters maintain also support the salmon and steelhead fisheries. Whether on land or sea, predators are necessary to the health of habitats and everything in them.

According to the experts quoted above, lack of selective logging and prescribed burning are primary reasons for increasing severity of wildfires and declining forest health.


Parachuting beavers - Jump ahead to 7:20 to see how the Idaho Fish and Game Department relocated beavers using parachutes. The department made this 14-minute film in the 1950s to show how fur-bearing animals are live-trapped and translocated.

Weimar Meinzer explains his Texas photography.

And that’s it - as always thanks for reading.

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