Restoring Biodiversity - 10/17/2023
Hopdaddy pushing back against the 'fake meat' insanity. The town that could become the next Jackson Hole. 2023’s Fat Bear Queen is crowned. And more.
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Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
Hopdoddy Adds Regenerative Meat, Removes Plant-based Protein
As described below, a Texas company is pushing back against the 'fake meat' insanity with the real thing - raised in a way that regenerates nature and is therefore far better for the animals, the environment, and human health than most beef served in the fast food industry.

This Idaho Town Could Become the Next Jackson Hole—but Don’t Tell Locals That
For skiers and most consumers, what is described in this article makes sense. Grand Targhee has better snow, and lower prices than Jackson – which like Aspen is absurdly expensive.

2023’s Fat Bear Week Queen is 128 ‘Grazer’
Otis schmotis: “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings”.

Drought Busters: Restoring Desertified Desert Grasslands
We call the combination of wild animals, planned grazing, water harvesting, and Keyline subsoiling “Drought Busters”. Drought Busters is cheap, fast, poisons no plants, kills no animals, and increases the numbers and diversity of both. Drought Busters can’t make it rain, but it will make actual rain more and more effective, which is practically the same thing.
And that’s it - as always thank you..
if you haven’t already - please check out our views on biodiversity at
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