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Quail Waterers

Quail Waterers

Here is an interesting new quail waterer. While many quail experts say desert quail do not need water, noted quail expert Dr. Fred Guthery says that of all the quail work he has done, water additions are the single best practice. He is correct: In the desert, if you are looking for quail, look near water.

NOTE: post initially appeared on

Support Desert Wildlife and Bio-Diversity During Drought.

Artificial Water sources can help desert wildlife survive during drought.

Water scarcity can make it difficult for animals to survive during hot summer months. Life becomes even more difficult during extended droughts due to reduced food supply combined with dried out water holes. Climate change is causing more severe droughts that last longer and occur more often. Dr Fred Guthery indicates that desert adapted animals like quail can thrive with higher populations when water is available.

Many water sources including rain capture and dew harvest systems can dry out during drought when animals most need the water. Air solar Water can provide wildlife with water even during extended droughts when other water sources fail. Order Now


We learned about how Air Solar Water could be used to support desert wildlife while attending a outdoor and sporting show in Texas. In this part of the Texas desert they are lucky to receive 10 inches of rain and have been experiencing a multi-year droughts that has negatively affected bird and deer populations in the area.

The Ranger who told us about the problem was interested in bird species where a continued drop in population could threaten the species. Many other people indicated an interest simply to increase the number of animals at their favorite spots.

The ranger also described conditions where Air Solar Water could provide water in wildlife migration corridors to help guide wildlife populations through very dry areas to locations where they are better able to survivor and would be unlikely to discover on their own.

Air Solar Water Ideal to support wild animals

Air Solar Water is ideal to deliver water to wildlife because it can be provide watt where it is needed when the water is most needed such as the hottest driest part of the summer. Air Solar Water is sufficiently portable to install in very remote locations and will deliver water for years once installed.

Air Solar Water is designed to provide water in remote locations where it is hot and sunny and where there is no infrastructure such as wells or grid power available. This makes it ideal to augment natural water sources in difficult to access locations where the wildlife is located. It’s ability to continue delivering water through extended droughts without a dependency on ground water allows flexible placement infeasible for other approaches.

Air Solar Water provides the unique feature of delivering the most water during the hottest, sunniest summer days when animals need water the most desperately.

Another use of Air Solar Water is to help start and support desert adapted trees that can provide food and shelter in increasingly harsh conditions. Our proposed solution takes any water not consumed by animals and uses it to support forage trees that can further help the wild animals.

How Air Solar Water Works for Wildlife

You Can Help

See Also: Wildlife Philanthropy | charity funding Wildlife, Ecology and Animals

Email us at: or call 206.601.2985 if you want to help or are interested in funding a wildlife watering station.


There are a wide range of desert wildlife watering stations typically called guzzlers that date back to the 1950’s. Many of these include the ability to capture rain or morning dew. These artificial water sources have proven beneficial to local wildlife but they have a serious problem of drying out when the water is most needed by local animals. Images of Wildlife Watering systems

Historical Problems

Rain or dew are rare in many desert locations during extended drought. Dew is only available when the humidity is high enough to reach close to the dew point which normally happens during the spring when water relatively abundant but not during the peak summer heat.

The net result is that dew and rain harvest systems dry out and fail to deliver water during the warm summer months especially during droughts when wildlife experiences increased water stress.

This is particularly traumatic during extended droughts because the plants and seeds desert adapted animals like quail eat to augment their water are either dried out or have already been eaten. This increases their need for supplemental water especially during hot summer conditions.

Rain and dew capture systems create the scenario of having a larger animal population dependent on the supply which fails during the worst time when animals desperately need the water. They are still beneficial but they can not be the entire solution.

Air Solar Water provides water when the most needed

Air Solar water use an alternative design that absorbs moisture at night and converts it into high quality potable water. The process depends mostly on solar energy which is abundantly available during desert drought conditions.

It tolerates low humidity by using a trick of physics that allows our desiccant salt to chemically absorb moisture from the night air and then use plentiful desert sunshine to convert this moisture into clean water. These systems will be producing water every sunny day for many years regardless of drought conditions.

Open Questions:

About the Author

Joseph Ellsworth is the CTO of Air Solar Water and has been working on water related issues and Atmospheric Water Generators for over a decade. Over a 30 year career he has filled roles such as CTO. Director, Senior Director, Chief Architect, Chief Scientists for major companies including HP, Amazon, Corbis, NCS, etc. He is passionate about solving water related issues world wide. He can be reached or call 206.601.2985


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