King Charles: How Cattle Can Restore Habitat and Wildlife
Prince Charles comments on Allan Savory and his integrated approach to ranching and farming, and the role ruminants for the health of grasslands.
Segment from speech given by the Prince to the IUCN World Conservation Congress.
NOTE: this post was originally published on May 1, 2017. And republished on September 30, 2021
Allan Savory - August 20, 2024 at 8:49am
Thanks Chris. Sadly in his new position I have lost contact with him because of the bureaucratic barrier. After giving this talk at COP26 I could get no response but fobbing off by his son the new Prince and by Sir Adrian Smith the President of the Royal Society. By the way below it does not allow me to put my email in all lower case.
Thanks Chris. Sadly in his new position I have lost contact with him because of the bureaucratic barrier. After giving this talk at COP26 I could get no response but fobbing off by his son the new Prince and by Sir Adrian Smith the President of the Royal Society. By the way below it does not allow me to put my email in all lower case.
Chris Gill - August 23, 2024 at 1:42am
Thanks Allan...
Thanks Allan...
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