Holistic Management vs Conventional Management: A Stark Look

The footage serves as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of Holistic Management.

Holistic Management vs Conventional Management: A Stark Look
This footage was shot on the same day, in 2-neighboring countries (Zimbabwe and Botswana), on different land bases which use different forms of management.

With thanks to The Africa Center for Holistic Management (ACHM)

 The Africa Center for Holistic Management (ACHM) writes this about its video:

"This edition focuses on resilience, specifically how ACHM is adapting to the unprecedented climatic challenges posed by the "Super El Niño," which has resulted in one of the driest seasons on record.

Lets start with a recent video, where we captured a compelling visual narrative that starkly contrasts the outcomes of different land management practices across four neighboring landscapes within a 100km radius of each other. The footage showcases Zambezi National Park and Chobe National Park—managed by their respective national parks departments in Zimbabwe and Botswana—alongside Communal lands in Zimbabwe and our own Dimbangombe Conservancy, managed by local communities, and the principles of Holistic Management by ACHM respectively

Despite all four areas being within the same broad catchment and subjected to the same climatic conditions, the differences in vegetation cover, soil health, and overall landscape vitality are striking. The footage serves as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of Holistic Management. On the communal and national park lands, the challenges of overgrazing (and at the same time over resting, for that matter) and poor water retention are visibly evident, with much of the ground barren or severely degraded.

In stark contrast, the Dimbangombe Conservancy, which we manage, displays lush, green pastures and robust vegetation, illustrating the successful application of Holistic Management techniques.