Game Cameras – Early Summer 2016

Game Cameras – Early Summer 2016

Update and photos from our guide and camera manager, Jerad:

Hello Mr. Gill,

Quite the lamb crop this year. I don’t remember seeing this many in years past. I have seen a couple of groups with 10 lambs and lots with 4-8 as seen in the pictures!

Also thought this was interesting: I have seen old ewes who appear to have “faded” in color and look very light, but their lambs have ALWAYS been very dark to begin with.

On the “Oncie” and “Bezos” cameras we have pictures of this solid white lamb!

On April 15th on Diablo Peak, there are a few pictures of Bighorn Sheep and Desert Mule Deer together.

Also, here is a neat Eagle/Sheep picture for Laura!







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