Feral Hogs Pegged as One of Top Contaminators of San Antonio River

Feral Hogs Pegged as One of Top Contaminators of San Antonio River

Since Europeans arrived in Texas, pigs have roamed our river bottoms, fattening on acorns and mast and in so doing, stimulating plants. Before the Civil War, these were gathered seasonally, slaughtered and the meat provided the primary cash crop for Hill Country farmers. At the time of the Civil War, there were twice as many pigs as people in the South. These free-ranging pigs were an economic asset, an important source of wholesome meat, and were raised in a way that is economically and environmentally sustainable.

Over the last forty years, gathering these animals for sale has become illegal due to rules written by and for the confinement pork producers, and impractical due to the red tape which has driven most small and local processors out of business.

Our pig “problem” is a symptom: Our root cause is Big Agriculture and its cronies in government, academia and the agencies and their destructive, monopolistic food production system. The common-sense solution is to put these animals back in the commercial human food chain where they belong.

NOTE: This post initially appeared on KSAT.com on February 9, 2016

Feral hogs pegged as one of top contaminators of San Antonio River

South Texans now has yet another reason to detest feral hogs. The population of 2.6 million in Texas is responsible for $500 million in damage annually, and now new data show that the animals are also one of the biggest contaminators of the San Antonio River.

“They’re everywhere,” said Amanada Nasto, who is heading up the Feral Hog Management Program at the San Antonio River Authority.

Feral hogs have long been a problem in South Texas, rooting up land and using area river banks as their toilet. It’s an issue that has left the San Antonio River Authority increasingly interested in the havoc-wreaking swine.

“We’re just trying to clean up the river, reduce the amount of pollution and reduce the amount of bacteria,” Nasto said.

To complete that task, SARA has worked to find the source of the pollution and bacteria. Now, new technology capable of identifying exactly where bacteria originate is helping the process along. Recent tests have zeroed in on one offender.

“The No. 1 isolate that we’re finding, where they’re coming from, is from feral hogs,” Nasto said.

It is a result that came as a surprise to some scientists.

“We thought maybe cattle would be No. 1, maybe human because of failed septic lines, but to see feral hogs to be a clear, big trend-setter, it really concerned us,” Nasto said.

Feral hogs, especially south of San Antonio, treat rivers like highways and leave behind large messes.

“They have to cool off in this Texas heat somehow, so they go by our streams and rivers and they like to wallow along the banks and the mud,” Nasto said.

The next step for SARA is to work with Texas A&M Agrilife to educate landowners on how to better handle feral hogs. They will also work with the United States Department of Agriculture APHIS Wildlife Services to manage and actively remove the hogs.

The end goal is to continue to clean up the San Antonio River.

For more information on the Feral Hog Management Program, click here.

Now Big Meat and their cronies are saying that pasture-raised cattle are also dirty and bad for the environment: It seems that cows in pastures fart too much!

They say the only safe and wholesome beef is that which is raised in our septic, inhumane feedlots with their hormones and antibiotics and unnatural feeds which include such ingredients as ground-up chicken carcasses, and open sewer lagoons bigger than football fields.

Pretty soon we will be paying for a government program to eliminate “problem” cattle.

Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • From an old friend:

    Mr. Gill,

    I just read your article on the feral hogs.
    Another good job calling the “city slickers”
    to task on their isolated perspectives. I can’t
    imagine a world without range cattle.
    Where they’d be free to go with their GMO and
    otherwise modified stock programs if that
    becomes reality! Next thing we know, our food
    will all be grown in a lab and we’ll be the test

    Thanks for continuing to carry the torch.


    Sent from my iPhone

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