Drought Busters 101 : A 21-Minute Video on Desert Grassland Restoration

Drought Busters 101 : A 21-Minute Video on Desert Grassland Restoration

“Drought Busters” is an inexpensive, quick, physiologically and economically sustainable method of habitat and wildlife restoration. We call it Drought Busters because it increases effective rainfall by rebuilding soil fertility and the soil’s ability to absorb and store water. This 21-minute video explains Drought Busters, and our experience on how wild and domestic animals, Keyline sub-soiling, and water harvesting can restore desertified grasslands.




Drought Busters 101 from Christopher Gill on Vimeo.

NOTE: this post was initially published to this site on December 14th, 2015, and then reposted on May 20, 2021.

This video was filmed in the Sierra Diablo Mountains, Hudspeth County, far-West Texas, for presentation at the Quivira Coalition Conference in Albuquerque, on November 12, 2015.

Photography, script, and narration by Christopher Gill

Laura and I wish to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their help and friendship. Their areas of expertise and contact data follow:

Evidencio Seijas, Foreman, Circle Ranch: Linda_lopez432@yahoo.com
Allan Savory, Savory Institute: asavory@savory.global
Courtney White, Quivira Coalition: executive@quiviracoalition.org
Bill Zeedyk, Water Harvesting: wlknmypath@aol.com
Abe Collins, Keyline Consulting: abenewsoil@gmail.com
Ken Yeomans, Keyline Consulting: yeomans@keyline.com.au
Fred Porter, Keyline Bulldozing: go4goats@ktc.com
Gary Fuentes, NRCS: gary.fuentes@tx.usda.gov
Steve Nelle, Rangeland Consultation: steve.nelle@tx.usda.gov
Noah Small, Yeomans Plow Sales and Service: noahharlan@yahoo.com
Ann Adams, Holistic Management International: anna@holisticmanagement.org
Richard Teague, Range Science: r-teague@tamu.edu
Jim Howell, Rangeland Consultation: jhowell@savoryinstitute.com
Guy Glosson, Rangeland and Cattle Consultation: glosson@caprock-spur.com
Dale Rollins, Wildlife and Quail Consultation: d-rollins@tamu.edu
David Theodoropolous, Habitat Advice: dt@dtheo.org
Holistic Management International (HMI): hmi@holisticmanagement.org
The Quivira Coalition: admin@quiviracoalition.org
The Savory Institute: contact@savoryinstitute.orgNational Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)The Yeomans Plow Company: aj@yeomansplow.com.auLorie Woodward Cantu, Script editing: lwcantu@suddenlink.net

Ranching, wildlife management, finance, oil & gas, real estate development and management.
  • I loved your video, your clear explanations, and passion for the recovery of the land. I feel hopeful in the recovery of desert grassland ecosystems. I can’t wait to show this material to my students. Thank you

  • This nice comment was left in May, 2017:

    Hello Mr. Gill, I have spent many hours going thru your web site. I have really enjoyed the articles, photos and videos. Thank you and thank you for the email. I would love to come visit the ranch sometime and do a lot of photography. I only have the memories of an 8 thru 10 year old boy. Several years ago my son and I went to El Paso to do the electrical work on a store in the Outlet Mall that was built. On our way back, I drove up the road past the Garren Ranch and past your ranch just to show my son the country. It was his first trip out West and he loved it as much as i do. I currently live in Hillsboro, Texas and would like to meet you some day. Keep up the good work.

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