Bio-Diversity Rotational Cattle Grazing to Restore Degraded Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands and Promote Watershed Health Describing the Mimms Ranch in Marfa, Texas, the authors write, “The Foundation aims for practical conservation, with the belief that restored grasslands improve overall watershed health, resources for native wildlife, and continued support of ranching.” NOTE: this article was originally published to As well – it was
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/8/2022 Articles “Because predation alone will not control elk numbers, reducing the Teton Park elk herd through hunting is essential to the health of elk populations. Removing hunting led to overpopulation. This harmed habitat. Huge feeding stations were intended to over-winter surplus elk, but an unintended consequence was that they spread
bull moose An Idaho Moose Hunt This recent moose hunt was conducted from Pitchstone Waters Ranch. Idaho Unit 62 Moose Hunt: October 19th – 24th 2022 By Jason Lepak, MD, Tulsa Oklahoma In May I drew the once in a lifetime Idaho Moose Tag for Hunting Unit 62. This zone is as rugged as it is naturally
Conservation The Shooter The World’s Greatest Wildlife Photographer A Nebraska native, Thomas Mangelsen’s love of nature, his life outdoors and business success were heavily influenced by his father. An avid sportsman, Harold Mangelsen took his sons to favorite blinds along the Platte River in Nebraska to observe the great flocks of
Elk Elk Reduction Hunt in Grand Teton Begins Next Week “Because predation alone will not control elk numbers, reducing the Teton Park elk herd through hunting is essential to the health of elk populations. Removing hunting led to overpopulation. This harmed habitat. Huge feeding stations were intended to over-winter surplus elk, but an unintended consequence was that they spread elk
Bio-Diversity Yellowstone Elk Migration Trail: Amazing Camera Trap Highlights Like rivers, Yellowstone’s migration corridors have many tributaries. One of these passes through Pitchstone Waters Ranch. We see herds of as many as 100 elk exiting the national forest, passing through our meadows and across the Fall River, and then reentering national forest to the north. They are headed
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/1/2022 Articles As discussed above, industrial compounds used in numerous products, such as nonstick cookware and clothing are increasingly found in wild game and fish. This poses a health threat to animals and humans. Today’s run on western land is spreading not American power but five-star living dressed up as
deer ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Deer, Fish Challenge Hunters, Tourism “As discussed below, industrial compounds used in numerous products, such as nonstick cookware and clothing are increasingly found in wild game and fish. This poses a health threat to animals and humans. NOTE: this article was originally published to on October 5, 2022. It was written by Patrick
Bear Grizzly Bear Attacks Prey A grizzly chases down and kills an elk calf. Terms like predation and harvest sugarcoat that hunters and predators kill. Nature is brutal; everything feeds on something. Treasured species like elk are harmed when managed as free-ranging pets. NOTE: this video was originally published to on January
Artificial Beaver Dam Videos Pitchstone Waters Artificial Beaver Dams #4 At Pitchstone Waters in Idaho, we spanned an entire valley with two artificial beaver dams. Doing this presented special problems. Fourth in a series. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on December 23, 2019 — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/25/2022 Articles This excellent article from the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a free market environmental think tank based in Bozeman, discusses the barriers faced by U.S. Forest Service in expanding its forest restoration efforts. Free-roaming horses and burros are dying hard deaths on Western rangeland that’s already
idaho real estate In Montana, the Run on Land Is Spreading Five-star Living Dressed Up as Frontiersmanship “Home, Home on the Range” NOTE: this article was originally published to Town & Country’s Apple News channel on June 14, 2022. It was written by Antonia Hitchens . The new Western iconography includes Tesla charging stations, Whole Foods, and Supergoop! products in private club shops. Today’s run on
Videos Wolverines The wolverine is a muscular, solitary carnivore. Wolverines have a reputation for ferocity and strength out of proportion to their size. Wolverines can kill prey many times larger than themselves. NOTE: this video was originally published to on April 9 2019.
forest restoration Ramping Up Forest Restoration “This excellent article from the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a free market environmental think tank based in Bozeman, discusses the barriers faced by U.S. Forest Service in expanding its forest restoration efforts. NOTE: this article was originally published to on June 23, 2022. It was
Conservation World Record Deer Migration Visualized In 3D For The First Time This deer passed close by Pitchstone Waters, which is 5-miles southwest of the southwest corner of Yellowstone Park in Idaho. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on December 9, 2019
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/18/2022 Articles Well-intentioned quail releases like the one described in the article below have never worked, and they have been tried for decades. In addition, private landowners release millions of pen-raised quail every year, without reversing the downward trend of wild quail populations. Quail species have not vanished across much of
"Invasion Biology" Wild Horses are Neither Pets nor Vermin The wild horse “crisis” is about ideologies, not biology. Western wild horse management remains aground on the rocks of the competing dogmas of horse proponents and horse opponents. One side wants horses “gone”, while the other wants horses everywhere, but untouched and not used for work or food, as they
bats Yellowstone Bats There are at least 13-species of bats found in Greater Yellowstone, which includes Pitchstone Waters Ranch. Bats are among the most under-appreciated, misunderstood, and necessary of all the mammal predators. All this and much more is discussed in the excellent video posted below. Bats are the only mammals capable of
Bobwhite Quail Bobwhite Quail Getting New Welcome in West Virginia Well-intentioned quail releases like the one described in the article below have never worked, and they have been tried for decades. In addition, private landowners release millions of pen-raised quail every year, without reversing the downward trend of wild quail populations. Quail species have not vanished across much of the
Bears Grizzly Hunts With Nose “The scent-detecting area of a grizzly bear’s nose is a hundred times larger than a human’s. A grizzly can zero in on the smell of food a mile away, from rotting carcasses to vulnerable young elk.” NOTE: this video initially appeared on and was originally posted
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/11/2022 Articles As discussed above, most experts now agree that logging and prescribed burning are necessary to improve forest health. Other practices which are not discussed in this article – but equally needed – are hunting and domestic livestock grazing. All of these are fiercely opposed. At Pitchstone Waters, our goat herders are
sheep Sheep Are the Solar Industry’s Lawn Mowers of Choice Livestock are very useful in maintenance grazing. Any animal is better for the environment than weed and grass poisons. As described below, sheep are useful in places that are too tight and delicate for machinery or cattle. Sheep are also very good in vineyards. Their only shortcoming is that they
Bio-Diversity All About American Bison (aka Buffalo) for Kids This is also very interesting for grownups.
California wildfires At Yosemite, a Preservation Plan That Calls for Chain Saws As discussed below, most experts now agree that logging and prescribed burning are necessary to improve forest health. Other practices which are not discussed in this article – but equally needed – are hunting and domestic livestock grazing. All of these are fiercely opposed. NOTE: this article was originally published to NYTimes.
Africa Management Comparison - Allan Savory One minute of your attention could save civilization as we know it. NOTE: this video was originally published to Facebook by Allan Savory. It is provided here with permission. It was originally published to this site on November 25, 2019. All scientists agree that no life can survive without suitable