Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 1/24/2023 Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
Bischoff Ranch My Wild Land - Bischoff Ranch My Wild Land films tour Wyoming, released for streaming. NOTE: this video was originally sent to us by the Wyoming Migration Initiative. Full Film – BISCHOFF RANCH from Wyoming Migration Initiative on Vimeo. Watch the full films here. — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the
Bacterial Brucellosis Disease Elk Taken in Bighorns Tests Positive for Brucellosis These infections are spread by untreated bison and winter feeding of elk. NOTE: this article was originally published to It was written by the Wyoming News Exchange. BUFFALO — Brucellosis, a disease of concern for wildlife and livestock alike, was recently detected in the western Bighorn Mountains. The
"Texas History" ‘Home on the Range’: The Mystery and Adventure Surrounding Origin Story of Cowboy Work Song In 1934, New York attorney Samuel Moanfeldt set out on a three-month journey to find out who originally wrote the song “Home on the Range.”
Bison Where the Bison Could Roam Scott Heidebrink, the director of bison restoration for the American Prairie Reserve in northeast Montana, checks on a herd. “There are ways that bison were impacting the landscape that we haven’t even thought about,” he said. Nomadic bison would be welcome at Pitchstone Waters. A huge problem is that
"Invasion Biology" Beavers in Arizona Deserts Beavers are keystone species in desert ecosystems. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on July 30, 2018. And again on May 27, 2020.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 1/17/2023 Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
Mule Deer Longest-Known Deer Migration Is Near Jackson Hole This is the story of deer 255, and her 6th consecutive world-record migration.
Bio-Diversity Man Herds 700 Sheep With Help of His Border Collies, and They Just Love Their Job A wonderful video on Border Collies and sheep. Their masters say these are the smartest dogs alive. There are closed captions for those who don’t speak Scottish Collie. — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the Restoring Diversity Newsletter
Jim Berlier Stewardship with Vision, Episode 8: Jim Berlier “This Western Landowners Alliance film by filmmaker Evangeline Koonce features New Mexico rancher Jim Berlier. Through prescribed grazing that provides adequate pasture recovery time, strategic stocking rates, drought planning and brush removal, the Berlier Ranch has experienced significant increases in plant and wildlife diversity, making the ranch more sustainable and
"Wolves" The Color of Wolves Mysteriously Changes Across America. We Finally Know Why “As explained below, scientists believe that exposure to canine distemper, a disease of domestic dogs, is causing the coats of North American wolf populations to change color. NOTE: this article was originally published to on December 31, 2022. It was written by Michelle Starr. Guessing the color of
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 1/10/2022 Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
deer migrations Camera Collars This content was originally sent to us by the Wyoming Migration Initiative, with this explanation, “This past spring we posted migration updates of a doe named Del using footage from a camera collar. Viewers loved the on-the-ground view of Del moving into Dell Creek in the Hoback Basin, and caring
Bog restoration The Climate Profit Buried in Scotland's Bog “Restoring peat bogs in Scotland. NOTE: this article was originally published to on May 5, 2022. It was written by David Segal. Repairing the country’s extensive peatlands could help the world mitigate climate change. It could also make a fast-fashion billionaire even richer. Headway is an initiative
Bighorn How Bighorn Learn to Migrate As discussed in this video, herds of bighorn, moose and elk learn over many generations where, how and when to migrate. This knowledge takes a long time to accumulate. Knowledge is passed from generation to generation. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on April 20, 2020
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 1/3/2022 Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…
Climate Ocean Depth Comparison In all likelihood the interaction of the ocean, and fluctuating energy output from the sun, controls global climate – including long term warming and cooling trends – aka ‘climate change’. — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the Restoring Diversity Newsletter
Yellowstone Park Yellowstone Supervolcano Contains More Magma, New Study Finds “As discussed below, Yellowstone remains a very active volcanic caldera. It last erupted 70,000 years ago. NOTE: this article was originally published to on December 1, 2022. It was written by Robin George Andrews. The extra magma doesn’t mean it’s more likely to erupt, scientists
Bio-Diversity How an Oregon Sheep Ranch Is Carrying on the Heritage of American Wool—and Shepherding It Into the Future “As discussed below, planned, moderate rotational grazing and restricted soil disturbance on Western sheep ranches have aided the recovery of bunchgrass and fended off cheatgrass, the interior West’s most troublesome invasive species. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 18, 2022. It was written by
healthy grassland ecosystems Stewardship with Vision -- Episode 6: Moore Land & Cattle Co Through years of carefully planned and implemented prescribed fire, Greg Moore was able to push back on juniper encroachment of grasslands on his northern New Mexico ranch and re-establish healthy grassland ecosystems for cattle and wildlife alike. He also restored wetlands on his land for the benefit of beavers and
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/27/2022 Articles Black bears are evolving, as explained above. Many people don’t realize that dams wear out, and dam reservoirs silt in. Often, dam reconstruction is not economically justified, as explained below. Videos A great video from Drake, folks who make wonderful duck hunting gear. Methane emissions from cattle contribute
Conservation Drake 2022 Christmas Wishes and Hunting Season Highlights A great video from folks who make wonderful duck hunting gear. — For more posts like this, in your inbox weekly – sign up for the Restoring Diversity Newsletter
American black bears Western Black Bears Are Turning Cinnamon? “Black bears are evolving, as explained below. NOTE: this article was originally published to on December 16, 2022. It was written by Jennifer Nalewicki. For the past 9,000 years, American black bears have slowly been turning red due to a genetic variant. Some American black bears have
Conservation ‘Momentous:’ US Advances Largest Dam Demolition in History “Many people don’t realize that dams wear out, and dam reservoirs silt in. Often, dam reconstruction is not economically justified, as explained below. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 17, 2022. It was written by Gillian Flaccus. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — U.S. regulators approved
Animal Growth Why This Cattle Farmer Moves His Cows Every Day Methane emissions from cattle contribute to climate change – but Will Harris says he has a solution. NOTE: this video was originally published to on December 10, 2019. Video filmed and edited by Hannah Long-Higgins; produced by Haley Thomas. We initially posted this to our site on April 6,