Cold-tolerant cattle breeds Cows Christmas Party Merry Christmas!!! Scottish Highland Cattle: Aren’t they wonderful? Highland Cattle are the most cold-tolerant of the English breeds. In Finland, Highlanders are the ONLY cattle that may legally be pastured outdoors through brutal Finnish winters. CLICK HERE to see how Highland Cattle are used by Scottish forest agencies and
horses and wildfire Wild Horses Coevolved with Wildfire on The North American Landscape Here is a good article with many valuable ideas on managing wild horses. These are controversial to say the least. Let us think about this issue holistically: Horses are COMPLEMENTARY to — not COMPETITIVE with — the wildlife, plants, and water of North America because these coevolved over the last 40 million
"Invasion Biology" Drought Busters 101 : A 21-Minute Video on Desert Grassland Restoration “Drought Busters” is an inexpensive, quick, physiologically and economically sustainable method of habitat and wildlife restoration. We call it Drought Busters because it increases effective rainfall by rebuilding soil fertility and the soil’s ability to absorb and store water. This 21-minute video explains Drought Busters, and our experience on
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/19/2023 Harvesting water from gullies. Human agricultural practices harm range and farm lands. What we know about mule deer subspecies. And more.
Bio-Diversity Plug and Spread Made Easy This is a 4-1/2 minute video about the “Plug-and-Spread” method of harvesting water from gullies. Water harvesting including Plug and Spread, in combination with Keyline sub-soiling, wild animal impact and planned grazing of cattle are the cheapest, easiest and quickest way to restore water function to degraded desert grasslands.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/12/2023 Llamas restoring land in Peru. Restoring bison population in Texas. What do artists and anglers have in common? And more.
"Invasion Biology" At the Foot of a Melting Glacier in Peru, Llamas Helped Revitalize the Land Llamas are camelids, the family of animals that also includes Bactrian and Dromedary camels, vicunas, alpacas and guanacos. These animals evolved in North America. Llamas and their ancestors were present in North America for 40 million years. Together with 80 percent of existing North American genera, llamas and their cousins
Conservation Bisoncast: The Slipperiness of Fish What do artists and anglers have in common? What do the aesthetics of fine art have to do with… dead fish? With thanks to NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WILDLIFE ART
Bio-Diversity Bison Return to Texas Indigenous Lands “As discussed below, efforts are underway to restore bison to native lands in Texas, and elsewhere. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 13, 2023. It was written by Alejandra Martinez. Indigenous ranchers in Texas are receiving help from nonprofits to rebuild bison herds in the
Bio-Diversity Sustainable Ranching in New Mexico Holistic management on a New Mexico cattle ranch. NOTE: this post was initially published to this site on December 28, 2016, and again on July 22, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 12/5/2023 When horses migrated to Eurasia. NRCS is expanding its fence program. Farming wild boar. And more.
"Invasion Biology" When Horses Migrated to Eurasia According to the paper and article below, horses – which evolved in North America – traveled back and forth across the land bridge between present day Russia and Alaska several times over the last million years. Horses on both sides of the land bridge evolved into distinct species, which then crossed again,
Wildlife Management Wild Boar Farming - Farmers Domesticate and Raise Millions of Wild Boars This Way How do farmers tame wild boars?
Animal Migration After Achievements in Wyoming, NRCS Expands Big Game Conservation Program “A very good fence modification program being sponsored by NRCS. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 14, 2023. It was written by Aedan Hannon of the Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange. CASPER — You could call big game migrations miracles and it wouldn’t be
Black-footed ferret Cloned Black Footed Ferret Meet the world’s first cloned member of an endangered species. Some people think that extinct animals like mammoths could be resurrected by these methods, using cellular material found in frozen specimens. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on May 10, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/28/2023 Wolves improving the positive effect of beavers. Aoudad and Bighorn are complimentary, not competitive. A beautiful new film on Grand Teton Migrations. And more.
wolf Leave It to Beavers? Not if You’re a Wolf “As discussed below, wolves improve beavers’ positive effects on habitat, and, wolves help beaver to thrive. NOTE: this article was originally published to on November 7, 2023. It was written by Cara Giaimo. This is what happens when an apex predator collides with an ecosystem engineer. Beavers are
Wyoming Migration Initiative Watch a Beautiful New Film on Grand Teton Migrations Animal Trails: Rediscovering Grand Teton Migrations produced in collaboration with Grand Teton National Park, documents more than a decade of migration research. It reveals how the mule deer and pronghorn that summer in Jackson Hole actually depend on habitats up to 190 miles away from the park boundaries. NOTE: this
"Invasion Biology" Attacking Aoudad on Behalf of Bighorn NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on February 6th, 2017 The Borderlands Research Institute (BRI) and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) say aoudad harm desert mule deer, pronghorn and desert bighorn, and habitat, because they (1) eat plants, (2) drink water and (3) do well. In
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/21/2023 Ranching has always been a tough business. An elk attack ends in death in Arizona. What can fire teach us about our past, present and future? And more.
Cattle Interesting Facts About the Early Cattle Business “Ranching’s always been a tough business… NOTE: the content below was originally sent to us by email from Leigh Currey from Curry Partners Today we are going to finish up on this topic of Ranching. A nice place to start would be to define it. Happily there really was
Conservation Woman Trampled to Death by an Elk in Arizona, Prompting Officials to Warn Against Feeding Animals “As discussed in the article below, fed elk can be very dangerous. Arizona Game and Fish warns that bear, elk, moose and any other species that are fed by people, or get food from garbage or pets, lose their natural fear of humans and become dependent. This puts people and
Jackson Wyoming Bisoncast: Where There's Smoke What can art about fire teach us about our past, present, and future? With thanks to The National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Wyoming
big horn sheep Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep Takes Out a Drone “Bighorn and zebra? NOTE: this tweet below was originally published to Twitter on March 5, 2021. It was posted by Rex Chapman (@RexChapman). This Rocky Mountain big horn sheep takes out a drone… — Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) March 6, 2021 NOTE: this post was originally posted to
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/14/2023 California takes to the sky to remove deer from Catalina Island. Is lab grown meat actually worse for the environment? Regenerative agriculture in action in North Dakota. And more.