killing of wolves A Bill to Ban Wildlife "Whacking" Wolf and coyote whacking is currently legal in Idaho as well as Wyoming. Technically, only coyote whacking is legal in Montana, but few can distinguish a young wolf from a coyote, and enforcement is almost impossible.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/18/2024 Trees are spreading across the Great Plains, and it's not a positive sign. A bison herd removes more carbon than world’s largest CO2 capture plant. And more...
Bio-Diversity Trees Are Spreading Across the Great Plains. They're Actually Making Climate Change Worse We normally think of trees as being good for the environment. But in parts of the Midwest and Great Plains, they’re heating up the earth as woodlands take over grasslands.
Bison Study: Bison Herd Removes More Carbon Than World’s Largest CO2 Capture Plant A herd of bison in Romania might actually be better for the planet than the world’s largest carbon capture facility , according to recent findings by scientists at the Yale School of the Environment.
Bio-Diversity Plow and Tractor for Desert Grassland Keyline Subsoiling This video discuss equipment for Keyline subsoil plowing. Over 30 American companies make plows that can be used for Keyline contour subsoiling.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/11/2024 Irrigation canals have many unintended benefits. Human impact has always been an essential ingredient in limiting the risk of forest fires. Using wild horses to help wildlife and habitat. And more...
Beavers The Diesel-Powered Beavers of the Big Hole In August of 1919, the Lower Big Hole River ran dry.
Bio-Diversity Why is Regenerative Agriculture Important? More about regenerative agriculture, and a focus on land management which provides rich soil and grass for cows to consume on pastures.
Wild Horse Fire Brigade Horse Roundups! Can They be Stopped With 'Fertility Control'? The debate about wild horses becomes easier when approached holistically.
Catastrophic wildfires Anthropologist Documents How Women and Shepherds Historically Reduced Wildfire Risk in Central Italy In the last several decades, large forest fires have increasingly threatened communities across the Mediterranean.
Bio-Diversity Beaver and Coho Salmon Salmon and trout fishermen take note: beaver are essential to healthy fish stocks.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/4/2024 "Growing" rain in the desert. The shoot owls in California, don't they? NCAT’s Soil for Water project, working to capture and hold more water in the soil. And more...
Rain Growing Rain in the Desert Landowner innovation and long-term research is showing that low-tech restoration practices not only capture more rainwater, they may create more rain.
Bio-Diversity Soil for Water Tina Weldon and her partner Orion are among a growing network of farmers, ranchers, and land managers are taking steps to catch and hold more water in the soil.
"Invasion Biology" They Shoot Owls in California, Don’t They? An audacious federal plan to protect the spotted owl would eradicate hundreds of thousands of barred owls in the coming years.
cattle grazing Grazing Forested Rangelands Livestock producers use forest grazing to increase pasture acres, temporarily or permanently, while providing protection for livestock from the elements.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 5/28/2024 DMP parents don’t pass bigger antlers. Two hunters die of rare prion disease. BLM’s proposed Public Lands Rule could effectively lock out traditional activities. And more...
deer genetics DMP Parents Don’t Pass Bigger Antlers To Wild-Born Offspring Raising big bodied, big antlered bucks is something of a pastime for a number of Texas landowners and deer managers. For many it’s simply a fun kind of pastime; for others it’s become an intensely studied and intensely applied, well-honed practice.
Conservation Abusive Land Grab of Family Farm Sadly, the history of charitable giving abounds with examples of gifts used in ways the donors would never have imagined – let alone approved.
Chronic Wasting Disease Two Hunters Died of Rare Prion Disease. Doctors Suspect a First-of-Its Kind Deer Transmission Two recent cases of prion disease in the U.S. may have been caused by contaminated deer meat, though the connection is still unproven.
"Invasion Biology" Conserving the Legacy by Wyman Meizner The outstanding scientific discovery of the twentieth century is not television, or radio, but rather the complexity of the land organism.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 5/21/2024 Growing evidence that global warming equals global wetting. The quandaries we face in raising and eating animals. A beautiful portrayal of a unique part of our country. And more...
Conservation BLM to Finalize Rule Allowing Federal Leases Targeted at Protection of Natural Area It also creates two new types of leases focused on protecting natural areas. The BLM already leases parcels of land for extractive industries including energy development, mining and livestock grazing.
Bureau of Land Management Utah Gov. Spencer Cox Vows to Sue Over New BLM Landscape Rule The Utah Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office said the rule directly impacts 22.8 million acres of land in Utah and, contrary to what the BLM asserts, it is not a positive step toward conservation.
food-supply Sacred Cow Film - Official Version The world is overwhelmed when choosing what to eat. Sacred Cow probes the fundamental moral, environmental and nutritional quandaries we face in raising and eating animals.