climate change ‘Pure Junk Science’: Researchers Challenge Narrative on CO2 and Warming Correlation “According to the authors of this article, fluctuation of the sun, not atmospheric CO2, is what causes global warming. NOTE: this article was originally published to on January 12, 2023. It was written by Karen Weintraub. UN claims that human-caused CO2 emissions are imperiling the planet are ‘totally
Animal Development Building Cattle Pens in Minutes Considering the difference in populations, the Aussies are way ahead of the US in their cattle practices. Neil Dennis 41 seconds from Peter Byck on Vimeo. NOTE: this post was originally published on December 2, 2016, and also reposted on July 15, 2021.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 3/19/2024 What is a "brush chainring (and how does it impact biodiversity)? The key to healthy forests. Biosn as proxies for cattle. And more...
'Chaining" Roller Felling Restoring quaking aspen, Utah’s state tree, is one of the Forest Service’s goals, but the agency isn’t rushing to embrace roller felling.
brush chaining Brush Chaining to Improve Elk Habitat Quoting the makers of this video, “We head to Eastern Kentucky to observe a new habitat management technique called “Brush Chaining” to help rid the land of the invasive Autumn Olive. In turn, this will help Kentucky’s elk population thrive.” Chaining has been done in Texas for years. Short
Bio-Diversity Ecologist Suzanne Simard Wants To Change The Way We Look At Trees “As discussed in this article, the key to healthy forests is (1) tree species biodiversity, and (2) healthy soil life. NOTE: this article was originally published to Chatelaine’s Apple News channel on January 12, 2023. It was written by Michelle Cyca. Photo by Felicia Chang. Suzanne Simard has spent
Arizona / Sonora Borderlands Holistic Grazing in the Arizona / Sonora Borderlands Cattle are grazed in any spot for 6-hours, followed by 18-months recovery. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on April 5, 2017, then republished on August 19, 2021.
Bio-Diversity Brush Sculpting “Much has been said about using cattle as proxies for bison: What about bison as proxies for cattle? NOTE: this article was originally published to Texas Bison in 2012. It was written by Shawn Vickers. Wildlife management in South Texas continues to evolve on large hunting operations, and most devoted
Bio-Diversity How Holistic Planned Grazing Works in 60 Seconds How does holistic planned grazing heal the soil? We explain it in this short introductory video. For more visit: Note: this post was originally posted to this site on August 2, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 3/5/2024 The “villain de jour” is the Black Vulture. The case for destroying old forest roads. Bears at play on Pitchstine Waters ranch. And more.
"Invasion Biology" USDA Wildlife Services--Black Vulture, Wolf Predation “Wildlife Services” is the helpful-sounding name taken by the federal agency which has been conducting the misguided, wasteful, and counter-productive war on predators for over 120-years. The war started with bounties, but now relies on agency poison programs. At one time or another these folks have tried to kill out
Bio-Diversity Black Vultures Are Good for the Environment Bird park aviculturist, Kat, joins us to tell us about one of the most “misunderstood” birds in the animal kingdom, the Black Vulture.
Brush The Case for Destroying Old Forest Roads For the first 100-years of its history, the mission of the US Forest Service was to make public forests accessible for a host of human activities. Beginning 40-years ago the opposite mentality took hold. These well-intentioned attitudes have led to the woeful current forest conditions and their associated wildfires. NOTE:
game cameras Griz Bites Camera “At Pitchstone Waters bears are constantly chewing up cameras and drinker float valves. For them its a form of play. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on July 4, 2021.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 2/27/2024 A popular weed killer making Americans sick. Can non-native large animals be good for habitat? Using cows to rebuild soil after a century of tillage. And more.
Paraquat Is This Popular Weed Killer Making Americans Sick? The herbicide Paraquat is manufactured by Syngenta, a Swiss-based company owned by the Chinese government. The chemical is banned in at least 58 countries — including China and Switzerland — because of its toxicity, yet it continues to be a popular herbicide in California and other parts of the United States. NOTE:
Bio-Diversity REGENERATIVE GRAZING: Using Cows to Rebuild Soil After a Century of Tillage. This episode shares the story of Stephen Brass of Walnut Grove Brass Family Farm in Stillman Valley, Illinois, and how he successfully transitioned his 160 acre farm from a chemical intensive, commodity crop operation to a regenerative 100% grass-fed beef operation. He shares the methods he is using to regenerate
"Invasion Biology" Functional Traits - Not Nativenes - Shape the Effects Of Large Mammalian Herbivores on Plant Communities For decades the assumption shared by conservation dogma and Invasive Species “Biology” has been that non-native animals – by definition – harm native habitat and plants. This belief is often used to justify the ongoing War on Wildlife. The authors of this scholarly work disagree. They say it’s what animals do,
Bio-Diversity Fuel, Fire, and Wild Horses Wildfire continues to devastate the American West at increasing rates. As this video is posted, wildfires are burning across more than 768,000-acres of land in twelve Western states, and 500,000-acres in Canada. Ten fires are in Idaho, which has been under a smoke cloud for days. According to
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 2/20/2024 Is Arctic ice actually melting? Forests and farms are not multually exclusive. Biodiversity and holistic management. And more.
Climate UN Says Melting Arctic Ice is a Key Indicator of Climate Change—But It's Not Melting “Questioning the data. NOTE: this article was originally published to on June 12, 2023. It was written by Karen Weintraub. Climate policy based on an assumed relationship between CO2 and Arctic ice levels is problematic, say scientists. It’s bad news for polar bears, according to the most
Bio-Diversity Amazing 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness The idea that forest and farms are mutually exclusive is incorrect. Doing what this video show alongside wildlife is difficult but possible. In the small town of Riverton at the bottom of New Zealand’s South Island is Robert and Robyn Guyton’s amazing 23-year-old food forest. The 2-acre property
"Invasion Biology" Biodiversity and Holistic Management These excellent thoughts on the importance of biodiversity apply to wildlife as well as agriculture. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on November 20, 2016. And reposted again on July 1, 2021
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 2/13/2024 Is climate change policy based on faulty temperature data? Are so-called invasive ‘exotic’ species harmful to the environment? A quick, cheap method to restore desertified desert grasslands. And more.