idaho real estate In Montana, the Run on Land Is Spreading Five-star Living Dressed Up as Frontiersmanship “Home, Home on the Range” NOTE: this article was originally published to Town & Country’s Apple News channel on June 14, 2022. It was written by Antonia Hitchens . The new Western iconography includes Tesla charging stations, Whole Foods, and Supergoop! products in private club shops. Today’s run on
Videos Wolverines The wolverine is a muscular, solitary carnivore. Wolverines have a reputation for ferocity and strength out of proportion to their size. Wolverines can kill prey many times larger than themselves. NOTE: this video was originally published to on April 9 2019.
forest restoration Ramping Up Forest Restoration “This excellent article from the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), a free market environmental think tank based in Bozeman, discusses the barriers faced by U.S. Forest Service in expanding its forest restoration efforts. NOTE: this article was originally published to on June 23, 2022. It was
Conservation World Record Deer Migration Visualized In 3D For The First Time This deer passed close by Pitchstone Waters, which is 5-miles southwest of the southwest corner of Yellowstone Park in Idaho. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on December 9, 2019
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/18/2022 Articles Well-intentioned quail releases like the one described in the article below have never worked, and they have been tried for decades. In addition, private landowners release millions of pen-raised quail every year, without reversing the downward trend of wild quail populations. Quail species have not vanished across much of
"Invasion Biology" Wild Horses are Neither Pets nor Vermin The wild horse “crisis” is about ideologies, not biology. Western wild horse management remains aground on the rocks of the competing dogmas of horse proponents and horse opponents. One side wants horses “gone”, while the other wants horses everywhere, but untouched and not used for work or food, as they
bats Yellowstone Bats There are at least 13-species of bats found in Greater Yellowstone, which includes Pitchstone Waters Ranch. Bats are among the most under-appreciated, misunderstood, and necessary of all the mammal predators. All this and much more is discussed in the excellent video posted below. Bats are the only mammals capable of
Bobwhite Quail Bobwhite Quail Getting New Welcome in West Virginia Well-intentioned quail releases like the one described in the article below have never worked, and they have been tried for decades. In addition, private landowners release millions of pen-raised quail every year, without reversing the downward trend of wild quail populations. Quail species have not vanished across much of the
Bears Grizzly Hunts With Nose “The scent-detecting area of a grizzly bear’s nose is a hundred times larger than a human’s. A grizzly can zero in on the smell of food a mile away, from rotting carcasses to vulnerable young elk.” NOTE: this video initially appeared on and was originally posted
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/11/2022 Articles As discussed above, most experts now agree that logging and prescribed burning are necessary to improve forest health. Other practices which are not discussed in this article – but equally needed – are hunting and domestic livestock grazing. All of these are fiercely opposed. At Pitchstone Waters, our goat herders are
sheep Sheep Are the Solar Industry’s Lawn Mowers of Choice Livestock are very useful in maintenance grazing. Any animal is better for the environment than weed and grass poisons. As described below, sheep are useful in places that are too tight and delicate for machinery or cattle. Sheep are also very good in vineyards. Their only shortcoming is that they
Bio-Diversity All About American Bison (aka Buffalo) for Kids This is also very interesting for grownups.
California wildfires At Yosemite, a Preservation Plan That Calls for Chain Saws As discussed below, most experts now agree that logging and prescribed burning are necessary to improve forest health. Other practices which are not discussed in this article – but equally needed – are hunting and domestic livestock grazing. All of these are fiercely opposed. NOTE: this article was originally published to NYTimes.
Africa Management Comparison - Allan Savory One minute of your attention could save civilization as we know it. NOTE: this video was originally published to Facebook by Allan Savory. It is provided here with permission. It was originally published to this site on November 25, 2019. All scientists agree that no life can survive without suitable
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 10/4/2022 Articles No algorithms or fighting to be seen in a news feed, just your writing in front of your subscribers, without the guesswork. The Brazos is the longest river in Texas. Beavers were always found downstream. As discussed below, they are now colonizing the upper Brazos where dams have created
sheep Alone in a New World With Vast Open Space, and Sheep “ At Pitchstone Waters, our goat herders are seasonal workers from Peru. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 23, 2022. It was written by Miriam Jordan. Latin American sheepherders, here on work visas, do the same nomadic work that European immigrants did before them. But do
buying and selling ranches My Wild Land: Terry Creek Ranch - Trailer Al and Barb Johnson have witnessed the changing landscape of the West firsthand on their ranch, and in the surrounding area. Their land isn’t just home to a leased cattle operation, but also is used as winter range and during migration by hundreds of deer, elk, and moose. With
beaver habits 5,000 Years Later, Beavers Return to the High Plains “The Brazos is the longest river in Texas. Beavers were always found downstream. As discussed below, they are now colonizing the upper Brazos where dams have created large bodies of permanent water. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 6, 2022. It was written by Peter
floods Yellowstone and Grand Teton Park Attendance Falls Below 2021 & 2019 Contrary to the implications of the article below, the primary cause of 2022’s falling Yellowstone attendance is not road closures. Although some roads were closed in 2022, many miles that had been closed for 3-years of reconstruction reopened. Total drivable miles inside the park were much the same over
Bio-Diversity All About Moose for Kids The moose is the largest member of the deer family and one of the largest mammals in North America! With its distinctive antlers and unusual face, moose are easy to recognize! They live in northern temperate and subarctic climates, where snow covers the ground in winter. Moose are amazing! NOTE:
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 09/27/2022 Articles The article above was published by the New York Times, which is consistently anti-fossil fuels. The feature describes an environmental catastrophe being caused by Western Europe’s runaway “green” mandates. Europe sits on vast shale deposits which could supply its energy for centuries, but its green ideologues block development
Bio-Diversity Wolves 101 With their piercing looks and spine-tingling howls, wolves inspire both adoration and controversy around the world. Find out how many wolf species exist, the characteristics that make each wolf’s howl unique, and how the wolf population in the continental United States nearly became extinct. NOTE: this video was originally
Bio-Diversity Europe Is Sacrificing Its Ancient Forests for 'Green' Energy The article below was published by the New York Times, which is consistently anti-fossil fuels. The feature describes an environmental catastrophe being caused by Western Europe’s runaway “green” mandates. Europe sits on vast shale deposits which could supply its energy for centuries, but its green ideologues block development of
lightning Lightning Striking a Montana Stream /content/images/wordpress/2019/08/03JTk-4iSwy7V865p3tnSVCZg90aCGvR-1.mp4 “This is fake news (explosives not lightning) – but a great video. NOTE: this post was originally publsihed to this site on November 14, 2019
Artificial Beaver Dams It Was War. Then, a Rancher’s Truce With Some Pesky Beavers Paid Off The article below has an excellent discussion of the growing recognition that beavers are an essential part of habitat restoration. Quoting one expert, “It may seem trite to say that beavers are a key part of a national climate action plan, but the reality is that they are a force