Conservation Kerr, the Man Behind Jackson Hole's National Museum of Wildlife Art As discussed in the article below, “Art portraying wild animals of the American West had been created since artists trailed early explorers and exploiters into the region. But there was something about the subjects being animals that made it less than serious in the wider world of art. The work
"Invasion Biology" Fishing and Managing Idaho Alpine Lakes Very few high mountain lakes had fish before stocking began in the 1940s. NOTE: this post originally was published to this site on December 29, 2020
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 7/18/2023 Partnerships that protect habitat. Let's talk about wolf predation. Poison use quadruples. And more...
Bio-Diversity Regulators, Landowners Form Habitat Protection Partnership As discussed in the article below, it is ESSENTIAL that public forest managers and the private landowners that border them work collaboratively. This needs to happen in the Greater Yellowstone area. NOTE: this article was originally published to on March 23, 2023. It was written by John Flesher.
"Wolves" Watch Rare Mexican Wolf Pups Meet Their Wild Foster Families “Cross fostering” Mexican Wolves for reintroductions and to increase genetic diversity. NOTE: this video was originally published to on May 5, 2018.
"Wolves" Let’s Tell the Truth About Wolf Predation “As discussed below, actual livestock deaths from wolf predation are few, and greatly exaggerated. NOTE: this article was originally published to It was written by Story Warren, of Writers on the Range. The return of wolves to the West has always been contentious, and the deaths last fall
Brush Bad News for Wildlife and Habitat: Use of Vietnam-Era Plant Poison More Than Quadruples The Wall Street Journal, arguably one of the most respected newspapers in the country, has swallowed the Kool-Aid, or, in this case, the 2-4-D. If readers were to accept this piece at face value, they would come to the conclusion that it is reasonable for the agrochemical giants to push
Beavers The Incredible Hulik and His Beavers Biologist Tomas Hulik spent more than 300 days and nights in the wild riverine forest along the river March, separating Slovakia and Austria. After that, Rachel, the matron of this beaver territory, allowed him to watch the daily routine and dramatic adventures of her family of five at close range.
"Invasion Biology" The Late Pleistocene of the Mojave Desert, the Peopling of the Americas, and Terminal Pleistocene Extinctions “As discussed in the paper below, recent discoveries indicate that humans arrived in North America thousands of years earlier than previously thought. If so, this earlier dating of the beginning of human hunting of American wildlife would explain the human role in the catastrophic loss of wildlife known as the
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 7/11/2023 Using prescribed burns and wild horses to prevent wildfire.
Biodiversity Breaking the Code on the Invisible Fenceline “Someday soon, a workable livestock grazing collar – such as what is described in the article below – will transform restorative grazing practices. NOTE: this article was originally published to on April 18, 2023. It was written by Matthew Collins. Virtual fencing is increasing in popularity around the West
Bio-Diversity 'Rewilding’ Horses Aims to Mitigate Wildfires, Reduce Insured Losses Wild Horse Fire Brigade’s Natural Wildfire Abatement and Forest Protection Plan is designed to relocate wild horses from Bureau of Land Management facilities into the wilderness, an effort designed to reduce the size and intensity of wildfires.
Conservation Firefighters Boost Use of Prescribed Burns in Bid to Prevent Massive Wildfires According to the article below, “The aim of the prescribed burns is to rob natural infernos of the combustible material that has stoked the megafires that have ravaged communities in the region in recent years.” Wildfires are not proliferating because of climate change. They are increasing because more and more
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 7/4/2023 Killing mountain lions in Wyoming. Otis, the chubby bear fan favorite. The beauty of Canada's Algonquin Provincial Park. And more….
black bears Thousands Tune In to Watch Otis, Four-Time Champ of ‘Fat Bear Week,’ on Livecam Otis the fat bear. NOTE: this article was originally published to on September 20, 2022. It was written by Angela Owens. A chubby favorite on the web feed from Katmai National Park, the brown bear gorges on salmon and eyes the competition KATMAI NATIONAL PARK AND PRESERVE, Alaska—
"Wolves" State Seeks to Kill 50% More Lions in Hard-hit Deer Range “Predator removals – paid for by the government for 150-years – have done vast damage to wildlife and habitat. How sad that despite all their accumulated animal knowledge and historical experience, the agencies apparently have “…learned nothing and forgotten nothing”. NOTE: this article was originally published to on June 19,
Algonquin Provincial Park Algonquin Park Trail Camera Footage Algonquin Provincial Park is in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Its forests, rivers and numerous lakes, including the large Lake of Two Rivers, are home to moose, bears and common loons. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on November 20, 2020
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/27/2023 Most endangered white tail deer destinations. America has a pork problem. Watching cattle in Africa. And more….
Bio-Diversity 4 Most Endangered Whitetail Destinations in America Quoting the article below, “ The great state of Texas sports one of the most robust and proud deer hunting cultures in the nation, but it’s also home to what some consider the greatest threat to deer hunting in all of America: the captive deer industry. NOTE: this article was
Bio-Diversity A Bird's-eye view of the Dingambombwe Conservancy Cattle Herd Here is a great aerial time lapse visual of Africa Center for Holistic Management (ACHM) herd moving through the conservancy regenerating as they go. Note: With many thanks to the ACHM newsletter, where this was posted in June 2023. These animals are concentrated by using human herders. They are now
Bio-Diversity America Has Too Much Pork Tens-of-millions of wild pigs roam our private and public lands. These free-range animals are far more wholesome than those raised in the cruel, filthy pig farms by America’s pig oligarchs, the largest of which, Smithfield (quoted below) is owned by the Chinese. Free range pigs are kept off the
Bosque del Oso Bosque del Oso The Bosque Del Oso State Wildlife Area contains 30,000 acres of prime elk winter range. It holds some of the biggest bull elk in Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and others, preserved this area for all to access and enjoy. NOTE: this post was
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/20/2023 - Round 2 Restoring beavers to West Texas. Facing the floodwaters in California. An amazing deer migration. And more….
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 6/20/2023 Restoring beavers to West Texas. Facing the floodwaters in California. An amazing deer migration. And more….
Beavers 5,000 Years Later, Beavers Return to the High Plains of West Texas As discussed below. “Beavers were later trapped and exterminated nearly to extinction during the North American fur trade, which … contributed to the destruction of critical wetlands that moisturized dehydrated landscapes, supported biodiversity, and lowered temperatures all over the United States.” NOTE: this article was originally published to Texas Monthly’s